Wednesday, October 2, 2013

In Praise of the Riches of Autumn

The world is charged with the glory of God – so wrote the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins – glory to Him for all the beauty of creation.

For simple things that we take so much for granted – water supply and food and air, for lions and tigers and grass-hoppers alike – spiders and peacocks and swallows “on the run”.

For giving us food from the soil, brown bread from an ear of corn and wine from the vine to keep us cheerful.

Now in these autumn days we thank you Father for the berries in black-berry bushes and fruits and hazel-nuts – for the beauty of autumn colours with their variety of hues of soft browns and golden yellow orange tints – bright reds to catch the little birds eye.  Praise to you too for those glorious sunrises and sunsets that artists and poets never tire of proclaiming by word or brush.

The eye marvels at all the richness, our minds are stilled and amazed as after the summer heat falls the reviving dew.  Eccl.43

“Harvester God, as the Autumn suns ripen the grain – Ripen our souls too.
As the brown leaves fall and the sheaves of corn are stored away,
help us to leave behind the cares of Summer
and go forward with deepening compassion and trust” – Sr.Marie O.S.U.

“The heavens and the earth are indeed telling of the glory of God,

and all creation is singing for joy - -

Come, come dance through the leaves that scatter our paths

and sing, sing to the glory of God”.

cf. Canticle of the Sun’’ Marty Haugen