Sunday, April 22, 2012

Novena to St Catherine of Siena - Day 2

"If anyone loves me he will keep my Word,and my Father will love him and we shall come to him and make our home with him.
And the Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name will teach you everything." (Jh. 14)

For St. Catherine these few lines from John must have set her heart on fire as she sought to find human words to express her love and wonder for this God who was so madly in love with her.
Let us listen to her outpouring longing for a moment.

O Trinity! Eternal Trinity! O Fire Abyss of love! Would it not have sufficed to create us after your own image and likeness, making us reborn through grace, by the Blood of your Son? Was it still necessary that you should give the Holy Trinity itself as food for our souls? Yet your love willed this, you gave us not only your Word through the Redemption and in the the Eucharist, but yourself in your fulness of love for your creatures.

What draws you then, O infinite God to your puny creature?
LOVE, always love alone, still impels your tenderness towards us, filling us with infinite graces and priceless gifts. For you are the tranquil ocean where souls live and are nourished, finding there repose and love.

Catherine thank you for sharing your wonder and praise and adoration with us.
Pray that we too may learn a little of this wonder.

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