As we
continue our novena to St Dominic, I have taken a few short snippets from a
reflection by Fr Peter Lobo OP (India) on Dominican Spirituality. As we
celebrate the 800th Anniversary of the founding of the Order we can
all renew our devotion to and love for Dominc by reflecting on a few of his
traits and gifts of grace.
Dominic was a Restless Man: he never
felt that he had done enough. He never fell into a rut and settled down. He
always moved forward learning as he went along, critically examining and
evaluating his world and its needs, on the one hand, and the apostolic services
he offered it, on the other, … Dominic always wanted to be at the frontiers of
the Church’s mission; he faced these frontier-situations with courage,
confidence, creativity and compassion for people.
Dominic was an Evangelical Man: he
felt the inner call from Christ to leave everything for the sake of the Gospel
and engage all his energies in preaching the Good News to the waiting multitude
as the apostles and disciples did: in poverty and relying on God’s unfailing
providence. …
Dominic was a Man Passionately in Love
with Truth: he listened, discerned and accepted truth whether taught in the
Gospels, Church teaching, the good practices of heretics and outer counter
movements, and the situations he encountered, because truth is one and all
partial truths that are discovered complement each other and come eventually
from the author of all truth, Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life,
the Spirit of Truth, who leads us into all the truth, God who is truth itself.
For Dominic, truth was a person, God himself and accepting the truth was
committing oneself to God….
Ashram Magazine, June 1995)
We all know
the centrality of the Word of God (St Matthew’s Gospel and the Letters of St
Paul) in Dominic’s life. Above all Dominic was a Man of Prayer. As we heard
last night, “Dominic prayed, prayed without ceasing, both night and day;” and
we are all familiar with his “Nine Ways of Prayer” – his entire mission and
life’s work was founded on prayer.
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